Winter Homeschool Series Begins January 22
Winter weather impacts the way all of us live – including the plants and animals around us. So it’s an excellent time of year to learn about the natural world around us. Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center welcomes 2020 with a selection of new and popular returning programs geared towards building new experiences and knowledge – whatever the weather has in store.

Among the new additions to Prescott Farm’s calendar is Homeschool: Winter Series, a 4-week program for homeschool families with children ages 6-12. Participants in the Wednesday afternoon classes will be invited to explore the natural environment and the animals active during New Hampshire winters.
Through hands-on, outdoor lessons guided by Prescott Farm’s knowledgeable Naturalists, children will investigate the theme of each week’s program:
- Animal Tracking: January 22; 1:30-3 pm
- Big Mammals: January 29; 1:30-3 pm
- Birds in Winter: February 5; 1:30-3 pm
- The Subnivean Zone: February 12; 1:30-3 pm
Visit for complete program descriptions and to register. Prior registration is not mandatory but recommended. The program is for children ages 6-12 and an adult must accompany child. Snowshoes will be provided as necessary.