Camp Handbook & Forms

WildQuest Camp Forms

Health Related Forms

Authorization for to Administer Medication – This form must accompany any medication that will be given while at camp, including over-the-counter medications and emergency medications (such as Epi-Pens and inhalers). All medications must be turned into the Camp Director at drop-off on the first day of camp. Campers are not allowed to carry any medications (including over-the-counter) unless authorized by the Camp Director.

Physician Form – The State of New Hampshire camp licensing rules requires proof of a physical exam within the past two years and your child’s immunization records to attend camp. This form or the standard form from the child’s physician’s office may be used. Deadlines for providing this form and immunizations are January 31 (winter camp), March 31 (spring camp) or May 31 (all summer camp sessions). Immunization records must also be submitted. Immunizations required for camp are the same as NH school requirements. Click here for required immunizations and exemption Information.

Other useful information

Camp registration link (Active) – All registrations must be done online. Use this link whether logging in for the first time or if you are logging back in to add sessions or edit an existing registration.

Instructions to update information in a camper’s online account -These instructions outline how to edit your camper’s registration information and upload supplemental documents such as their physical form and health insurance card. Your active account is where you can also make payments and add extended care.

Tick Free New Hampshire – The goal of Tick Free NH is to raise awareness about the risk of tick encounters and educate the public on how to avoid ticks and prevent being bitten by one. Families are encouraged to do daily tick checks on their child after each camp day.

If you have any other questions about how to prepare for your camper’s upcoming WildQuest Camp experience, please reach out to the Camp Director, Chris Wellens, at or (603) 366-5695.
Locate Us

Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center
928 White Oaks Road
Laconia, NH 03246
(603) 366-5695
(603) 366-5720 (Fax)

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