Over the last few years, Prescott Farm has seen tremendous growth across all program areas. Along with our dedicated and knowledgeable staff, we rely on hardworking and selfless volunteers who dig in – often literally! – to create a space and community that makes connecting with nature a joyful experience. Of course we would be nowhere without our enthusiastic program participants who spread the word about all they have learned, the fun they have had, and the memories they carry from their experiences.
Of course there are still plenty of residents and visitors who don’t know about us – and we’re working on fixing that! In recent months, we’ve been able to expand our connections in the community through participation in local events. Did you visit our table during the NH Pumpkin Festival? Have you taken a stroll through Celebrate Laconia‘s Tree Walk to gaze at the beautiful and fun pollinator-themed tree? Did you hear us on Lakes 101.5 FM or see us on Lakes Region Public Access talking about the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction?
We love being part of this community and we are always looking for opportunities to participate in events like these. Got a community event that could use a little Prescott Farm magic? Let us know! We’d love to be part of it!