Fully licensed in New Hampshire, Fledglings Nature-Based Preschool uses the Prescott Farm property as the backdrop for introducing social skills, fine and gross motor skills, reading and writing readiness, and other foundational learning to students. Through the fields and the forests, our experienced Fledglings staff facilitate exploration and activities that encourage students ages 3-5 years old to become life-long learners, creating meaningful connections to nature, the self and others.
Preschool Eligibility
Children must be no younger than 2 years & 9 months when entering the program in the Fall (3 years by December 31) and (4 or 5 years By December 31). NO EXCEPTIONS. Your child must be toilet trained and wearing underpants (not pull-ups) to attend and if on August 31, 2025, your child is not toilet trained, you may either: a) pay the tuition and have the preschool hold the space until your child is ready to start school, b) put your child on a waitlist in the hopes that a spot will open after he/she is toilet trained OR c) decide to hold off and wait until the next school year. In all three cases, your child’s registration fee will be held until they are ready to enroll. (We understand that accidents happen, but we are not set up to change diapers.)
Fledglings Parent Handbooks
Click images above to open Parent Handbooks for appropriate school year.
Summer 2025 and the 2025-2026 School Year programs are currently full. To a child to the waitlist for either of those seasons, click the registration link below.
To be put on the waitlist for future school years or summers, Please contact Shannon Marden, Preschool Programs Director (smarden@prescottfarm.org)
Inclement Weather Policy
Prescott Farm follows the weather cancellations of Laconia School District and is also listed under “Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center” on WMUR. In the event of a delay for the school district, Morning Fledglings will not attend and Full Day Fledglings will arrive at 10:00am. There will be no before care. If Laconia School District has an Early Release, morning students will leave at their regular time at 11:30am, and full-day students must be picked up by 1:00pm. There will be no after care. We will also notify parents by posting to our Fledglings Family Facebook group page by 7:30 am if school is delayed or cancelled that day. Cancelled school days due to weather will not be made up or refunded.