Whatever the Groundhog may have promised, it’s that time of year when winter is starting to feel like it might last forever. Prescott Farm promises sweet signs of spring in the great outdoors throughout the month of March when the popular, month-long maple sugaring program returns.
Participants will connect with nature during every step of the syrup making process. Prescott Farm’s environmental educators go “beyond the sugar shack” when they expertly guide guests in how to identify the appropriate species and size tree, understand the parts of a tree and their functions, use historical and modern tree tapping tools, learn the history and legends of maple sugaring, and understand the math and science involved the boiling process.
School & Community Programs Director Andie Hession is excited to welcome so many guests during the month of March. “We hear from folks all the time that they want to better understand and experience nature. Tap into Maple is the perfect opportunity to expand what they know – and they get plenty of fresh air in the process,” Hession said.
Beginning on Saturday, March 7th, visitors to Prescott Farm can attend one of the 90-minute Tap into Maple sessions. Programs begin on the hour and run from 10 am – 2 pm. The cost is $10 per person and free to members of Prescott Farm. Pre-registration is recommended.
Participants should be aware that the program begins with a guided 20-minute walk down to the authentic sugarhouse in the woods around Prescott Farm. If necessary, snowshoes and/or ice cleats will be provided for individuals who do not have them.
Beyond the Sap House

Because Tap into Maple is one of Prescott Farm’s most popular series, the education staff has added companion programs with a similar, sweet theme:
Kids Can Cook: With Maple Syrup – Saturday, March 21; 2–3:30 pm. Children and adults explore different ways to add the taste of maple syrup to their plate.
Farm to Table Cooking: Maple Syrup at Every Meal – Saturday, March 28; 2–3:30 pm. Adults will get inspired and learn how to add this New Hampshire staple to a variety of recipes.
Other Prescott Farm Community Connections programs in March include:
- Snowshoe Yoga – Saturdays, March 7 & March 14; 10–12 pm. Adults immerse themselves in the peacefulness of nature as they practice yoga in snowshoes, are guided through a walking mediation, and are introduced to shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing.”
- WOW: Here Today- Gone Tomorrow?: NH Fish & Game Wildlife Stewards – Saturday, March 14; 1–2:30 pm. Adults & Children are invited to this Wonders of Wildlife (WOW) Program from NH Fish and Game; this program provides a look at endangered animals in New Hampshire. Specifically designed activities focus on why animals become endangered and what can be done to help them.
Additional program and registration information is available at prescottfarm.org, ahession@prescottfarm.org or 603-366-5695.