Kick Your Heels Up at Prescott Farm!

10th Annual Harvest Festival will be biggest yet Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center will host its Tenth Annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, Sept. 14th, from 10 am to 3 pm. Fall is a traditional time to celebrate the harvest’s bounty with food and fun. The event will include an array of activities, including craft activities for all ages, field games, farm animals, garden-tours, horse and tractor-drawn wagon rides, sing-alongs, and information and displays about all the programs offered at Prescott…

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You Can Learn a Lot from a Tree

Big Tree Tour of Prescott Farm will highlight ecology, history of the land Bigger isn’t always better, but let’s face it – bigger is definitely noteworthy. And while the staff members at Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center love all of the trees on the 160-acre property, they are particularly excited about one specific birch tree. The Betula papyrifera (Paper Birch) of note stands 83 feet tall with a circumference of 59 inches. These impressive stats were gathered by volunteers with…

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Wild Mushroom Walk Series Returns to Prescott Farm

On a walk through the woods, you’ll almost always stumble upon wild mushrooms. Beautiful and mysterious, they are sure to catch your eye. They’ll likely also leave you wondering: Can I eat that? New Hampshire Mushroom Company is coming to Laconia to help answer that vital question – and many more – in a series of Wild Mushroom Walks at Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center. The first “Wild Mushroom Walk” is perfect for adults and teens who want to learn…

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Commitment and Generosity Help Local Campers Learn and Have Fun this Summer

The Laconia Rod & Gun Club and Women’s Auxiliary donated $5,161.50 to WildQuest Camp, a nature-based day camp at Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center. The funds provide camp opportunities for 31 campers. Pictured at Prescott Farm are (L to R) Lisa Piper and Lisa Judd (Rod & Gun Women’s Auxiliary), Jacob Newcomb (WildQuest Camp Director), Ron Judd and Ron Blackey (Rod and Gun Club).  This is the Rod & Gun Club and Women’s Auxiliary’s third consecutive year donating to the…

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Everyone Can “Raise Heck” at Prescott Farm on September 14th

Unique Family-friendly fundraising events will benefit Fledglings Preschool and WildQuest Camps Throughout the region during the summer and fall, sports and fitness enthusiasts can stumble across a wide selection of road races, triathlons, and golf events. On Saturday, September 14th, Prescott Farm is pleased to offer something a little different for the fun- and fitness-minded. The Raise Heck Tug O’ War… and more! is an opportunity for friends, families, and co-workers to ‘pull together’ and showcase their strength – or…

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Prescott Farm hosting “The Natural Start Alliance” Field Trip

On Wednesday, July 31st, early childhood educators from across the nation will board buses in Manchester and travel to Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center in Laconia for a tour of the nature-based preschool. The stop at Prescott Farm is part of a day-long field trip offered to conference attendees. Fledglings Nature-Based Preschool is a fully licensed program that uses the Prescott Farm property as the backdrop for helping students ages 3-5 become lifelong learners and create meaningful connections to nature,…

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Belmont Elementary’s Garden will ‘Grow Minds & Feed Hearts’

Ask a young child where carrots come from and you’re likely to hear a correct, but incomplete, answer: “The grocery store!” Not so for any of the children attending Belmont Elementary School (BES). The growing cycle of fruits, vegetables, and flowers of all kinds will be part of their everyday curriculum thanks to the recent addition of a school garden. In the winter, BES partnered with Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center to apply for a grant from The Lowe’s Charitable…

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Get Herb- and Wild-Food Smart This Summer

Master Herbalist to lead informative series at Prescott Farm Want to get more in touch with nature? Looking for alternative, natural solutions to medicine and beauty products? Or, maybe you want a healthier diet from nature’s wild foods? Prescott Farm can help! Master Herbalist Melissa Morrison of New Hampshire Herbal Network (NHHN) will host two popular series at Prescott Farm on White Oaks Road in Laconia through September: Exploring Herbal Medicines & Crafts and Wild Foods of Summer & Fall.…

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Prescott Farm Hires Environmental Educator

Scope, quality, and capacity of educational programs will increase Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center is pleased to welcome Alex Dyer as an Environmental Educator. Dyer will serve as an instructor in local classrooms and at various programs at Prescott Farm’s White Oaks Road site. Born and raised in Maine, Dyer received her B.S. in Biology from the University of Maine and moved to New Hampshire, where she was a Naturalist for the New Hampshire Audubon. She is currently pursuing an…

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Belknap Landscape Company – Adventure Advocate Partner

After 30 years in business, Hayden McLaughlin understands the importance of providing quality, expert service.  The founder and owner of Belknap Landscape Co., Inc., McLaughlin and his team have also consistently shown a commitment to the Lakes Region’s environment and community organizations. That commitment is now on display in the Learning Garden at Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center. This spring, Belknap Landscape became an Adventure Advocate business partner with Prescott Farm. The partnership helps Prescott Farm fund two programs: the…

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Locate Us

Prescott Farm Environmental Education Center
928 White Oaks Road
Laconia, NH 03246
(603) 366-5695
(603) 366-5720 (Fax)

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